House of Blues, Bayou Music Center, Live Nation Reviews


by MM

June 13,2014 –The event began later than the waitress stated it would begin. The band was supposed to go on at 7:00, but they did not begin until around 7:45. When they began to play, there was music playing through the speakers from their laptop simultaneously, and it was quite awkward. Also, there was quite a bit of interference with the microphones as well, and it was distracting. The saxophonist wasn’t on stage with the rest of the band, but in the audience, facing the band and playing his solo. Overall the musicians were ok, but they lacked the ability to engage the crowd. The demographic of the crowd was mostly Hispanics and Caucasian people between the ages of forty and sixty, and many were there with their children. They played upbeat blues, and like I said before, they were ok, but they didn’t engage the crowd.


Action for the Arts Recital

May 19, 2014

This was a student recital, so I made a tape of some of the parts I liked the most.