He Is Legend at Walter’s Downtown Houston

He Is Legend
August 3, 2014 — MAYLENE AND THE SONS OF DISASTER, OH, SLEEPER, HE IS LEGEND, A BULLET FOR PRETTY BOY, WAR OF AGES, WILSON all played at Walter’s Concert Venue in Downtown Houston this afternoon and tonight.. Publicity for He is Legend asked us to be there but I thought it was to be an evening show. I saw it was starting at 4:30 and ran to Walter’s. Nice crowd. Sound was good. New space for Pam. My sister the cop came by to tell He Is Legend that their van would be towed if they didn’t move it. She gave enough time to find the driver. Messengers scattered all around the venue to keep towing charges and hassles at bay. Here are a few pictures of Maylene chronologically from bottom to top and then pictures of HE IS LEGEND.


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